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Family-friendly and super-sustainable, this outdoor gym is an electricity-generating, measurement ace! Inclusive cardio activities, phone charging and Smart measurement of gym hits. Our EDU stores energy for lighting or to flow back to the grid.

Package details


TGO invented this world unique concept: active outdoor spaces that generate electricity to charge phones, power lights or even send energy back to the grid! It's an incredibly inspiring space for all ages and abilities. Wheelchairs users and able-bodied people, kids through to great-grandparents, all fitness levels - everyone can boost their cardiovascular health, have fun and help the planet too! All community members can play their part in sustaining the space - the more people pedal or turn, the more energy they generate to charge devices, light the space or donate to the grid! Our Energy Display Unit motivates and rewards activity with an interactive display that feeds back to the user the total Kilowatt hour meter (kWh, 5 digits) as well as the real time average power generated - educational and a great talking point for the community too. The Smart Energy Hand Bike also features our unique technology to measure outdoor gym hits.


  • Energy-generating
  • Inclusive and wheelchair accessible
  • Family-friendly
  • Small space used
  • Boosts cardiovascular and mental wellbeing
  • Educational 
  • Sustainable
  • Community talking point

No. of Users - 5


Minimum Area - 7.5m dia​

Minimum Surfacing - 45m²

Equipment list

  • Energy Cross Trainer
  • Smart Energy Hand Bike
  • Shortened Energy Hand Bike
  • Energy Recumbent Bike
  • Shortened Energy Recumbent Bike
  • Welcome Sign

Surfaces available

  • Black wetpour
  • Colour wetpour

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