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TGO confirmed partner for new Procurement Services Framework Suppliers

TGO are proud to be selected as one of Procurement Services partners and suppliers for their framework. The Framework Agreement will encompass all areas of Playground, Fitness and Sports Equipment and Leisure Facilities from provision of goods to an end-to-end service.

“We are delighted to have launched our new Playground, Fitness and Sports Equipment and Leisure Facilities framework, which has been created to help support public sector organisations across the UK. Our framework experts have undertaken a stringent tender process to award to the successful suppliers and we are pleased that The Great Outdoor Gym Company LTD is one of our new partners. We look forward to creating a long-lasting relationship with The Great Outdoor Gym Company LTD and working collaboratively to support the needs of the UK public sector.”

Tarryn Kerr – Director of Procurement Services

Below is some information about the framework but if you have any questions please to not hesitate to

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  17 July 2024

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