The Great Outdoor Gym Company's new Calisthenics equipment was launched at the NEC last weekend Friday 23rd - Sunday 25th September at the Kalos Sthenos Championships, heralded the "best rig" and the "best Championships" yet!
The rig was excellently showcased by male & female athletes who had traveled to the event from all over Europe to compete. As well as the competition itself, the UCG (United Calisthenics Group) hosted beginning workshops on the TGO outdoor rig at various times throughout the weekend. The new TGO rig was shown in it's full glory and the event was a huge success. The positive vibe continues now to create a massive ripple effect on social media.
Kalos Sthenos Championships is the most respected Calisthenics competition in the UK after successfully launching at the 2021 Arnold Fitness Festival. Former Guinness World Record Holder, Lee Wade Turner along with Miguel Ulloa run the Championships which is a strength and endurance style competition which attracts some of the biggest names in the sport from around Europe. Partnering with the UCG which is a team of around 20 high level athletes / coaches from all over the country, led by Wojciech "Woj Calisthenics" Klisz and Camran Bostanabad who put on the amazing shows / demonstrations that wowed the crowd during the intervals as well as passing on their knowledge to anybody wanting to take part in one of their Calisthenics workshops.

Calisthenics (bodyweight exercises using bars) is on the rise in parks up and down the country. It is available for all ages and demographics and TGO activate has been supporting the community by sponsoring some of the country’s best athletes to help them train and compete. TGO gyms has been developing with them, the best, most inclusive and highest quality, British made Calisthenics range on the market. TGO worked with a leading Scottish Structural engineer to ensure the product was robust and exceeded European standards.
TGO consulted with over 15 athletes to develop the specification of the equipment that ensured the highest possible standard of Calisthenic facility was available. TGO then worked with the event organisers of the Kalos Sthenos Championships to develop the Battle Rig to competition requirements.

The Rig was used non-stop for three days to find winners in lightweight, middle weight, heavy weight and female categories in bodyweight exercises. In between competitions the United Calisthenics Group (UCG) demonstrated street gym, gymnastic skills on the rig showcasing to its full glory as well as helping the public and beginners try out new skills.
Immy Hales one of the freestyle athletes said ‘This was the sturdiest rig I have ever used’
Heavy Champion Jack Denchant said ‘Some of the best bars I have had the privilege to use!’
Shaakil Ahmed champion said ‘Shout to @tgogyms for the work they do in the community. This has to be one of the best bars I’ve used in a while’
Wojciech "Woj Calisthenics" Klisz said 'I've been training and competing in Calisthenics for over a decade now. I took part in multiple competitions in Europe and UK. Personally tested and trained on hundreds of parks, some of the top specialist manufacturers like FlowParks, Bar Mania, KenguruPro, Custom Bars and several bespoke ones. I can comfortably say that the custom built Kalos Sthenos Battle Rig by TGO is the best setup I've ever used. The setup is very versatile, it can be used by general public for all Calisthenics needs and levels, it's perfectly suitable for street lifting, freestyle calisthenics, gymnastics and even crossfit. As a coach myself I could easily run a training session for 20 people not having to worry about lack of space despite it's very compact structure.
I would happily have this rig as a center piece of my gym and would be equally delighted if I encountered it in my local park. There's an infinite amount of benefits of structures like this, from simplicity of use, the effectiveness of using such setup, to social aspects of Calisthenics in general, bringing people together and uplifting each other up. I would like to think that everyone by now understands how great of an impact physical activity has on psychological health of an individual but Calisthenics specifically can also do wonders to ones social skills and needs. I found Calisthenics when I was young, desperate and broke, I trained outside with a few friends using only a pull up bar, parallel bars and creativity, that seemingly insignificant stage in my life has been the focal point in finding confidence, drive, self respect and faith in my own ability. Training took me off the streets and gave me purpose. I now wish to share those values in a medium of Calisthenics to other people, in all walks of life. I believe this rig and the work TGO does in activating communities could be one to do the same for more young, lost souls out there.'

Georgie Delaney, MBE, Co founder of TGO gyms and CEO of TGO activate ‘Many of the athletes have practised on a TGO gym to build strength and get where they are today. Our mission is widen that access to more communities, men and women, and spread the benefit of this exciting sport’
The Great Outdoor Gym Company (TGO) and TGO Activate are official partners of the Kalos Sthenos Championships for 2023 and are excited to build on the success of this year.

The Kalos Sthenos Rig is now available to purchase for parks by TGO team. Please contact